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ERP planning

man typing on laptop

11 min read

Transforming Enterprise Software with Independent ERP Selection Consultants

Implementing a new ERP solution is a significant undertaking that requires serious planning and resource allocation. Navigating the ERP selection...

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Multiethnic group of happy business people working together in office

4 min read

Project Management Paves the Path to a Successful ERP Implementation

The decision to upgrade to a new enterprise resource planning (ERP) system is a pivotal one, but it's important to recognize that real challenges lie...

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Lighthouse with treacherous seas crashing on it

4 min read

ERP Implementation – Warning Signs Your ERP Project May be at Risk

Navigating treacherous reefs at night without the guidance of radar or a lighthouse can mean the demise of a ship at sea. Similarly, trying to...

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Blue Puzzle that says ERP

7 min read

Oracle EBS ERP Overview

One of the major players in Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software is the Oracle E-Business Suite. You may hear it referred to as Oracle EBS,...

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white desk with 3 small, green plants, a planner, pen and smart phone on it

2 min read

Is Your ERP Transformation Project Not Living Up To Expectations?

It all started off well enough; you organized a project team, documented your needs, evaluated vendors, and negotiated an agreement. Now the...

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digital drawing of an airplane flying through clouds

2 min read

The Nerve of Those People!

I recently went to a nearby airport to a hanger where they sell and rent Lear Jets. I asked if I could take a test flight in one of the new jets....

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blue drawing of a faceless, fake person holding a magnifying glass

2 min read

ERP: How Should You Investigate Your Options? Part 2

ERP modernization or replacement? The road to this decision becomes less a question of should you and more of a question regarding what is the right...

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