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Enterprise Resource Planning

Top ERP Vendors

34 min read

Top ERP Vendors & Products to Consider in 2024

Deciding whether to upgrade your current ERP system or to embark on the journey of implementing a new one can be quite the dilemma. The market is...

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Monopoly game board

4 min read

Should You Purchase a New ERP in 2022? Just Ask Mr. Monopoly!

We have heard this question a lot in recent days. With the trailings of a global pandemic, a war, massively disrupted supply chains, and the...

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A man and a woman talking in an office

2 min read

Do They Listen?

Listening. It should be such a simple thing to do. But, how many of the professionals that you work with actually listen to you? In our present...

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blue screen with a spiderweb of circles and lines

2 min read

Are Requirements Enough?

In rare situations, a company can successfully choose an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system on technical requirements alone. However, for most...

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Lady wearing a red shirt and protective eyewear

3 min read

Generation Z and Change

When working through major organizational change, barely a blip on anyone’s radar is Generation Z.

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Businessman in office

3 min read

The Traditionalist and Change

In today's workplaces, having different generations can be both challenging and beneficial, especially when managing big changes like an ERP...

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Warehouse with various types of workers working

3 min read

Align Baby Boomers and Change

35% of today’s workforce is made up of Baby Boomers. As with every generation, there are some generalizations that impact their outlook on careers...

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