3 min read
Is Your ERP Team Lined Up?
As an ERP advisor, I am often asked about selecting and creating an internal ERP team to manage the selection and implementation process. ERP...
3 min read
As an ERP advisor, I am often asked about selecting and creating an internal ERP team to manage the selection and implementation process. ERP...
2 min read
If you have ever taken on a do-it-yourself (DIY) project for your home, you’ll probably discover quickly that it has some surprising parallels to an...
2 min read
I recently went to a nearby airport to a hanger where they sell and rent Lear Jets. I asked if I could take a test flight in one of the new jets....
2 min read
It may seem obvious to measure the success of any undertaking by comparing the before and after, yet surprisingly, this important step is rarely...
2 min read
ERP modernization or replacement? The road to this decision becomes less a question of should you and more of a question regarding what is the right...
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ERP modernization is often considered to be an IT project. After all, it’s the IT department that must handle and resolve the challenges caused by an...
2 min read
“Aptean expands holdings with Acquisition of WorkWise, LLC.” Recently this financial transaction hit the news wires. This information was not...
3 min read
In previous posts, we’ve been exploring some important things to consider as you go through the process of hiring a consultant for your ERP...
2 min read
Moving to a digital ERP environment is hard. It takes effort and time, but the effort pays off. Typically, our blog posts are dedicated to helping...